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- 10 rem"***numerology for c-64***"
- 12 rem set screen colors and lock in case
- 14 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:poke646,6:printchr$(142)chr$(8):r$=chr$(13)
- 16 rem print initial screen
- 18 print"[147] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214]"
- 20 print" [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214]"
- 22 print" numerology"
- 24 print" i will analyze a name or date for its mystical vibrations."
- 26 print" according to the ancients, these","vibrations contributed ";
- 28 print"characteristics"
- 30 print" [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214]"
- 32 print" [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214] [214][214]"
- 34 rem colors changes
- 36 forj=2to7:poke53280,j:fori=55496to56095:pokei,j:nexti,j
- 38 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:poke646,6:printchr$(142)chr$(8):r$=chr$(13)
- 40 rem set all counters and strings to zero
- 42 v=0:z=0:n$="":a$=""
- 44 rem
- 46 print"[147]analyze a name ([150]n) , or a date ([150]d)?"
- 48 print"(hit q to quit)"
- 50 getq$:ifq$=""then50
- 52 ifq$="q"thenprint"[147]bye now":end
- 54 ifq$<>"n"andq$<>"d"then46
- 56 ifq$="n"then96
- 58 rem breaking a date into its single number
- 60 print"[147]date to be analyzed -- numbers only"
- 62 print"(proper form would be 12 15 1984)":input n
- 64 n$=str$(n)
- 66 fori=2tolen(n$)
- 68 a$=mid$(n$,i,1)
- 70 ifasc(a$)=32orval(a$)>0 orval(a$)<10then74
- 72 print"invalid character entered - try again":goto60
- 74 ifasc(a$)=32thennext
- 76 z=z+(val(a$)):next
- 78 z$=str$(z)
- 80 v=0:iflen(z$)<=2then132
- 82 fori=1tolen(z$)
- 84 v=val(mid$(z$,i,1))+v
- 86 next
- 88 ifv<10thenz$=str$(v):goto132
- 90 z$=str$(v)
- 92 goto80
- 94 rem breaking a name into its number
- 96 print"[147]name to be analyzed -- letters only"
- 98 print"(proper form is name commonly used - full name or nickname)"
- 100 input n$
- 102 fori=1tolen(n$)
- 104 a$=mid$(n$,i,1)
- 106 ifasc(a$)=32orasc(a$)>65or asc(a$)<91then110
- 108 print"invalid characters entered - try again"
- 110 ifasc(a$)=32thennext
- 112 z=z+(asc(a$)-64):next
- 114 z$=str$(z)
- 116 v=0: iflen(z$)<=2then132
- 118 fori=1tolen(z$)
- 120 v=val(mid$(z$,i,1))+v
- 122 next
- 124 ifv<10thenz$=str$(v):goto132
- 126 z$=str$(v)
- 128 goto116
- 130 rem printing out the outcome
- 132 n=len(n$):n=(40-n)/2
- 134 print"[147]"tab(n)n$r$spc(8)"vibrates to the number "z$r$r$
- 136 z=val(z$):fori=0to(z-1)*10:readb$:next
- 138 fori=1to10:readb$:printb$;:next
- 140 printr$r$r$spc(9)"hit any key to cont."
- 142 geta$:ifa$=""then142
- 144 restore:goto38
- 146 rem data statements for the outcome
- 148 data,"ruled by the sun. driving life force. a leader, ambitious, impatient"
- 150 data",an explorerextrovert, automatically assumes command"
- 152 data"very strong feelings. entitled to praisewhich can spur to"
- 154 data" greater things. desirefor action & vigor to do. trouble",,,
- 156 data" with long range projects. should choose one thing and stick"
- 158 data" with it. courage and self reliant."
- 160 data"compatible with other fires- 1, 3, or 9"
- 162 data"ruled by the moon. sensitive, domestic, emotional."
- 164 data"easily moved to tears. fertileimagination. fond of"
- 166 data" home. patriotic. prefers to live near water. musical ",,,,
- 168 data"talent. quiet power of judgement. good planner. changeable"
- 170 data" disposition, restless, emotional."
- 172 data" compatible with other waters- 2, 7
- 174 [131]"ruled by jupiter. investigator,scientistseeker, material rather"
- 176 [131]" than spiritual. good sense of humor. trusting. likes to know why"
- 178 [131]" and how.not interested in money",,,,
- 180 [131]"ability plus confidence. impatience. talent & versitile"
- 182 [131]". quick thinking and intuitive."
- 184 [131]"compatible with other fire- 1,3, or 9"
- 186 [131]"ruled by uranus. appears strange and eccentric. ahead of his time."
- 188 [131]" interest in occult, psychic & out of the ordinary"
- 190 [131]"intuitive.sarcastic if crossed. liberty,equality." ,,,,
- 192 [131]"success in science & mechanicalfields. steady and stable."
- 194 [131]" strength and pride. good with details, accurate."
- 196 [131]" compatible with other airs - 4 or 5"
- 198 [131]"ruled by mercury. active physically and mentally. inquiring,"
- 200 [131]" exploring. likes reading and research. linguistic. good teacher,"
- 202 [131]"writer, secretary. friendly, methodical, orderly.",,,,
- 204 [131]"independent thought and action. spirit of adventure."
- 206 [131]" speculator. likes the dramatic."
- 208 [131]" compatible with other airs - 4 or 5"
- 210 [131]"ruled by venus. gentle, refined, comely,sociable, pleasant. "
- 212 [131]" a peacemaker. difficulties in finances. friendly and agreeable."
- 214 [131]" a good host or hostess. ",,,,
- 216 [131]" success through competence, you should fulfill what you promise."
- 218 [131]" integrity andtrust. popular socially & politically."
- 220 [131]" compatible with other earths - 6 or 8"
- 222 [131]"ruled by neptune. psychic, introvert, mysterious. does not"
- 224 [131]" say much,but knows much. drawn to occult. likes fishing"
- 226 [131]". takes from haves, gives to have-nots.",,,,
- 228 [131]" successin art, science, philosophy, through planning.tends"
- 230 [131]" to be inpracticaldreamer, needs a positive goal."
- 232 [131]" compatible with other waters - 2 or 7"
- 234 [131]"ruled by saturn. cold, pessimistic. no sense of humor."
- 236 [131]" success in finances. associated with mining, real estate, law,"
- 238 [131]" cemeteries,pawn shops. hard worker.concerned with the past.",,,,
- 240 [131]" thrives on progress and activity. guard against petty "
- 242 [131]"jealousy. think big aim high. material success."
- 244 [131]" compatible with otherearths - 6 or 8"
- 246 [131]"ruled by mars. emotional, jealous. tied to family. active."
- 248 [131]" loyal. suspicious of strangers, impulsive. afraid of unknown."
- 250 [131]"associated with surgery, physical and mental illness.",,,,
- 252 [131]" high and honorable ideals. avoid drudgery. never resort"
- 254 [131]" topetty tactics. proud and arrogant, self-interst.
- 256 data" compatable with other fires- 1, 3, or 9"